have studied the bible all my life. Why have I not learned what you have told
me?” Says the man. “The Bible is not a teacher. It is a book of answers. If
you read an answer, without knowing the question, you will not understand. For
the wise, life is the teacher and the Bible a tool, to find answers to
questions. For the simpler people, Jesus and those who do his work, are the
teachers. The Bible is for support and comfort. At this time, no one really
understands the ‘Revelation of John’ This is because it is not time for
answers yet, only that we must be aware that something will soon happen.
One thing Revelation does teach, is that the ‘Letters to the churches
of Asia’ warn that we must not be fooled into thinking the church is
infallible. The physical world is Satan’s domain and nothing on earth is
immune to its works.