“What about the terrorists? Are we to forgive them?” Says the man.
“To forgive? Yes! To allow them to go unpunished? No!” Replies Miffy. “If
evil could be ignored with no consequence, then this would be the best thing to
do. The problem is, if we ignore evil, then evil will continue to grow. We must
fight evil, but justly! The perpetrators of the crime against your people,
believe the US to be evil, gaining great wealth by exploiting poorer people.
Their sin is that their response by killing and destroying innocent people, was
unjust and could most likely amount to envy of their neighbours wealth. Do you
burn your neighbour’s house because he has a better job and more money than
you, and you think he obtained it sinfully? People of the world must pray for
those whose job it is to retaliate and be the defenders of the innocent and the
naive. Pray that their anger will only be on those that are responsible and that
their retaliation will be just and effective against evil doers.”