man says to the group. “Are you Death and Hades come to claim my soul?”
“No!” says Miffy. “We are debt collectors, come to collect the rent before
you leave the building! Sorry Cindy, I know you are the one that does the jokes,
but I couldn’t resist.” Yeah, yeah, I’m surrounded by comedians. This is
supposed to be a cat-astrophe” Says Cindy. “Actually we have come to
show you that love and forgiveness of sin is the most important factor in
existence not sin its self.” Says Miffy to the man. Couscous erects a
transponder and the group are gathered up in spirit and travel back to April in
the year 0.
“Woops! Stupid old films.” Says Couscous. “I overshot.” “Yeah,
yeah! Very a-mew-sing!” Says Cindy. “You just wanted to show everybody my
ancestor. My Cat-alogue says that at this time yours is still attached to the
under side of a rock!”